In the twenty-sixth episode of The Idealists (formerly Grit & Grace), Melissa talks to Anna Jones and Debbie Wosskow, the founders of Allbright which connects smart-minded women through digital and physical spaces all over the world.

Anna Jones is the former CEO of Hearst Magazine and Debbie Wosskow (OBE) is a serial entrepreneur with multiple exits. Debbie is also a Member of the Mayor of London's Business Advisory Board. In this episode, they discuss the power of working as cofounders and how female founders can tap into their dark.

“We’ve raised $42 million in capital. What are my learnings? You have to have a rhino hide to do what we do. I don’t think anything can prepare you for the sheer volume of no’s you will get… I think women need to get rich and invest their money in backing other female founders.”


#25: Dr. Vivienne Ming


#23: Ti Chang