“So, imagine this, I come home and I say, ‘Okay, we’ve got a plan and we’ve got a way to work through this, but how would you feel if I didn’t pay myself for a year?’
Now, you have to understand my husband at that point was a stay-at-home dad. I was the only wage earner. So, he basically looked at me and asked, ‘Can we do it?’
I said, ‘Yes we can do it… we have to tighten things up, but yes we can do it.’
And his response was, ‘Well, you know I’ve been poor before and I can be poor again.’”
In this episode of The Idealists. (formerly Grit & Grace), host and entrepreneur Melissa Kiguwa interviews Shellye Archambeau who has over 30 years of experience in technology ranging from her role as the former President of Blockbuster.com, as well as, the former CEO of MetricStream, a Silicon Valley-based software company. She currently serves on the boards of Verizon, Nordstrom, Roper Technologies, and Okta.
During the show, Shellye shares the sacrifices she made to get ahead, as well as, how she tackles goal-setting when confronted with complicated, high risk crises.
about the episode.
Shellye begins the episode sharing why she left her high-ranking position at IBM to become CEO of a MetricStream, a struggling startup.
She goes on to describe her personal decision-making matrix and how it helps her during moments of crisis.
Shellye then shares the personal and financial decisions she made in order to become MetricStream's CEO.
Shellye shares the process of being invited to apply for Verizon's board.
At the end of the episode, Shellye shares why she believes women should be unapologetically ambitious.